About company Perezvoni
Privacy and Data Protection:
The technical part of the service Perezvoni served in the best data centers of the world - AWS Cloud, which has all the security certificates. We comply with the Federal law of the Russian Federation No. 152. All personal information is strictly confidential and is stored on Russian servers.
ISO 27001
ISO 27001 certificate. Is a widely adopted global security standard which describes requirements for information security management.
The report includes an assessment of the external auditor on the work of the office (based on the security of the trust principles in the AICPA included in the report JUICE 2), the approval from the management of AWS regarding the effectiveness of management, and an overview of AWS infrastructure and services.
Amazon Web Services has completed the independent verification, which is determined by all of the applicable ISM controls in place relating to the processing, storage and transmission of Unclassified (DLM) for AWS Sydney
ISO 9001
SO 9001: 2008 is an international standard (published by the certificate) for quality management products and services.
SOC 1/ ISAE 3402
The audit for this report is carried out in accordance with AICPA: 801 (previous SSAE 16) and international standards to ensure that the commitments N: 3402 (3402) ISAE.